Her stock decreased reload time, paired with the proper upgrade module, means that Thunderer has a reload time more in line with a battlecruiser, rather than a battleship. Thunderer's HE shells sport an incredible fire chance, which makes them a great option to deal with bow-in battleships or cruisers that she cannot overmatch. Players are advised to switch to high-explosive for lesser armored targets in order to avoid overpenetration. Her large-caliber AP rounds are capable of penetrating thick armor to reach the citadels of armored ships. A full salvo unleashes eight shells which are extremely accurate, meaning that Thunderer has a very high potential to inflict devastating damage to an enemy foolish enough to show their broadside. Thunderer is equipped with dual-mounted 457mm main guns, mounted in four turrets. Other differences include her sigma, dispersion formula, and the fuse timer settings on her armor-piercing (AP) shells. To balance these traits, her Repair Party ( ) consumable is much less effective, though she has an additional charge and decreased cooldown time of this consumable in comparison to her sister-ship. She deals damage to aircraft with a short-range anti-aircraft armament, which Conqueror is lacking. Players will also find that Thunderer is more agile, with slightly increased turret traverse speed, and decreased reload time. Immediately, players will notice that she has access to the Defensive AA Fire ( ) consumable. Despite the similarities, Thunderer possesses certain distinguishable traits that differentiate her. As such, she shares many of Conqueror's in-game performance characteristics and weaknesses. Thunderer exists as the sister-ship of the Tier X U.K.